There are three phases (legs) that make up a successful transition. This is known as the three legged stool and is the concept of Master Planning. The 1st leg of the stool is maximizing the value of the business, the next leg is ensuring you are personally and financially prepared to maximize net proceeds and the third leg is ensuring you have a well thought through plan for what is next. These three make up the three legged stool. To start, we use a series of questions where we assess the attractiveness and readiness of the business. This process is called the Triggering Event. Here we perform a business and personal envisioning workshop that uncovers the strengths and weaknesses of the company. Workshops would then be used in whose purpose is to build and strengthen any perceived gaps while instilling a sense of rhythm and culture of accountability to each other. The main goal is to strengthen the intellectual capital of the business – human, customer, structural and social that would one day be transferred either to a buyer or to family members.
The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations of any individual.
A lot of people go through life living one day at a time and putting off building a roadmap for their future. Some people are just too busy and they end up procrastinating with the thought that they will get around to it eventually. The problem with the delay is that there could be a critical stumbling block that could be in your path that you had not planned for. By going through a discovery process and a completing a financial plan, critical retirement needs that were not previously thought of could be brought to the surface and addressed in advance. This reduces the chance that an iceberg is in your path in the middle of the night from a problem that you did not see coming. A financial assessment and plan that takes into account your wants, wishes, and dreams are a great place to start. Planning and discussing each phase of your life, taking into account your future obligations gives you a sense of preparedness for each chapter of your life.
Once you have completed a Personal, Financial and Business Assessment and you know how you’ve scored, it is important to start the process of coming up with a plan to improve the areas that need to be addressed with the objective of maximizing transferrable value and getting the owner better prepared for a process, whether it be to an outside buyer, management or family members. The goal here is to maximize the value of the business while lowering the buyers perceived risk. There are a lot of transactions that fail because either the business wasn’t ready or the owner wasn’t personally ready. Being ready in advance is good business sense. You never know when you’ll get that call or you become a victim of the 5 D’s (death, Disability, divorce, disagreement or disaster). You should get prepared today. Reach out to me today so we can discuss your situation.
The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations of any individual
After discovering the critical needs and objectives uncovered in your financial plan, it is now important to address these needs and put a game plan in place. By starting with a financial plan and discussing where you want to be at each stage of your life, the right path to choose becomes clearer. Life can throw your curves but the more you talk through different scenarios and plan for the “what ifs” the better prepared you will be for the next phase of your life. A lot of people get busy they don’t plan for tomorrow because they are too focused on today. They know they need a plan but can’t find the time to devote to it. Start the process today by filling out the attached information card found under the request tab. I will respond back and we can start the process for an individualized plan for you and your family.
Now that you have completed the Triggering Event, You have completed a personal, financial and business assessment which scored the business attractiveness and readiness; it’s time to bridge the gap in areas that need improving. This is done with workshops not meetings. The most critical items are addressed first. The approach here is a system of rhythm, execution and accountability. It is critically important to create perpetual and lasting value that is transferable in your business. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to talk through the process and concept of the Value Acceleration Methodology and how it may benefit your company today.
The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations of any individual.
Once you have discovered your goals and needs through financial planning, And have developed a plan to address them; it’s now time to implement. By taking each step as a process, what was complicated before becomes less complicated. A problem cannot be fixed without taking action. So now, it’s time to put in motion your financial plan. It’s important to note that a good plan requires follow-up and revision since situations occur in your life that may change your goals and needs. You may decide to retire sooner than you think; you may have to take care of a family member which was unexpected. Will you need more money than you anticipated? How does that affect your plan? Updating your plan regularly is essential to knowing what effect unexpected outcomes may bring.
Working with Lee, a CEPA®
There is a misconception that exit planning is only for business owners that wish to sell their business within the next few years. The concern with that is that only 20%-30% of businesses that are put to market don’t sell.1 Furthermore; only 30% of family run businesses survive into the next generation.2 Since a lot of business owners have their wealth tied up in the business, exit planning simply makes good business sense to incorporate as a daily routine.
Lee has achieved the prestigious designation of Certified Exit Planning Advisor CEPA. He utilizes a system that rates the attractiveness and readiness of the business. Once all areas are identified, the low-scoring areas are focused on through workshops that will prioritize the most critical areas to address while teaching accountability to reach every goal. This creates a framework that makes the eventual transition less complicated. The same basic thought process is used for Lee’s Wealth Management clients. Lee discovers the needs, develops a plan to manage and address concerns and implements a plan to pursue the goals of the client. Having regular check ups will ensure the client stays on the right track. Lee and the client work on determining their goals whether it’s an income stream, passing on the most wealth to their children, using charitable trusts, foundations/donor advised funds to minimize taxes or to support an organization.
LPL is the largest independent broker/dealer in the United States (as reported by Financial Planning Magazine June 1996-2019). Since LPL offers no products, an objective and independent approach is used with each client that is customized and fits an individualized portfolio that addresses their specific needs and goals.
Whatever your goals, I can help you work toward pursuing them
Our staff consists of experienced professionals with a "hands on" approach to financial guidance. Not only will you find our team members knowledgeable, but you will also discover that our staff truly cares about making your dreams a reality. As your Financial Professionals, we will do everything in our power to keep you focused on where you want to go, advise you on how to get there, and continually remind you of the importance of maintaining a disciplined approach to pursuing your dreams.
The United States received almost one-third of all global foreign investment from 2021 to 2023. This article looks at how different types of foreign investment may impact the U.S. economy.
Individual bonds and bond funds can both provide an income stream, but there are important differences. This article provides an overview of these two types of investments.