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New Video - Consideration on Earn-Outs When You Sell Your Business

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04/13/2020 Use Slow Times to Research ERP Systems   Podcast%2016%20-%20Use%20slow%20times%20to%20research%20ERP%20systems.mp3
11/14/2019 How Early Should You Prepare for a Transition   Podcast%2011%20How%20Early%20Should%20You%20Prepare%20For%20Transition%20revised.mp3
11/14/2019 The Importance of recasting your EBITDA   PODCAST%209%20The%20importance%20of%20recasting%20your%20EBITDA.mp3
10/9/2019 What is a CEPA and How They Can Help   Podcast%203%20What%20is%20a%20CEPA.MP3
7/9/2019 What Makes Up The Most Value in your Business   Podcast%202%20What%20Makes%20Up%20the%20Most%20Value%20in%20Your%20Business%20-%2093019,%206.03%20PM....mp3
4/2/2019 Life After Business   Podcast%201.2%20Life%20After%20Business.mp3
1/4/2019 How Important are You to the Business   Podcast%204%20How%20Important%20Are%20You%20to%20the%20Business%20-%2093019,%206.07%20PM.MP3
6/26/24 Considerations on Earn-Outs When You Sell Your Business   <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/kBMr-kiazmY?si=chzA5iXtuYD7kCuE" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Content in this material is for general information only and not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.

To update the PERSONAL SERIES replays page, update the table below by adding new rows (Right click on last row > Row > Insert Row After) followed by content

03/23/2020 Covid-19 and its Effect on the stock Market  


03/23/2020 IRA Changes and Distributions   Podcast%2014%20IRA%20Changes%20and%20Distributions.mp3
01/30/2020 Family Gifting Strategies   Podcast%2012%20Gifting.mp3
10/9/2019 Income and Interest Rates  


7/9/2019 Transfer on Deaths   Podcast%206.2%20Transfer%20on%20Death.mp3
4/2/2019 Importance of a Durable Power of Attorney   Podcast%207%20The%20Importance%20of%20a%20Durable%20Power%20of%20Attorney.mp3
1/4/2019 Protecting Your Children’s Assets   Podcast%208%20Protecting%20Your%20Childrens%20Assets%20in%20the%20Event%20You%20or%20They%20Get%20....mp3

Content in this material is for general information only and not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.